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Instant Win Stairs of Rage Mobile Script

([[This file was protected with MoonSec V3]]):gsub('.+', (function(a) _MfghkABqDiAj = a; end)); return(function(o,...)local f;local s;local t;local a;local r;local d;local e=24915;local n=0;local l={};while n<532 do n=n+1;while n<0x1c7 and e%0x13fe<0x9ff do n=n+1 e=(e*458)%13877 local c=n+e if(e%0xdcc)>0x6e6 then e=(e-0x13b)%0x9546 while n<0x291 and e%0x4dae<0x26d7 do n=n+1 e=(e-82)%29414 local d=n+e if(e%0x2988)>0x14c4 then e=(e*0x1f)%0xa50b local e=9833 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 t=getfenv and getfenv();end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e-0x37b)%0x5f7b local e=3753 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 a=string;end else e=(e*0x2c1)%0x19c5 n=n+1 local e=54900 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 f={};end end end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e*0xb7)%0x2b09 while n<0x1b3 and e%0x2812<0x1409 do n=n+1 e=(e*992)%31038 local r=n+e if(e%0xbe6)<=0x5f3 then e=(e*0x31d)%0x57f6 local e=5628 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 d=function(l)local e=0x01 local function n(n)e=e+n return l:sub(e-n,e-0x01)end while true do local l=n(0x01)if(l=="\5")then break end local e=a.byte(n(0x01))local e=n(e)if l=="\2"then e=f.bGoXSfcd(e)elseif l=="\3"then e=e~="\0"elseif l=="\6"then t[e]=function(n,e)return o(8,nil,o,e,n)end elseif l=="\4"then e=t[e]elseif l=="\0"then e=t[e][n(a.byte(n(0x01)))];end local n=n(0x08)f[n]=e end end end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e*0x1ae)%0xb778 local e=41932 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 end else e=(e-0x340)%0x2047 n=n+1 local e=25642 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 end end end else e=(e+0x39e)%0x5bc4 n=n+1 while n<0x18b and e%0x4c1a<0x260d do n=n+1 e=(e-209)%9227 local d=n+e if(e%0x2d9c)>0x16ce then e=(e-0x267)%0x7833 local e=13859 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 r="\4\8\116\111\110\117\109\98\101\114\98\71\111\88\83\102\99\100\0\6\115\116\114\105\110\103\4\99\104\97\114\109\109\120\82\75\98\81\115\0\6\115\116\114\105\110\103\3\115\117\98\69\105\81\108\118\121\90\89\0\6\115\116\114\105\110\103\4\98\121\116\101\79\95\68\67\68\77\120\77\0\5\116\97\98\108\101\6\99\111\110\99\97\116\113\108\74\103\99\77\86\83\0\5\116\97\98\108\101\6\105\110\115\101\114\116\100\89\81\73\104\112\117\82\5";end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e-0x146)%0x7100 local e=6094 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 t=(not t)and _ENV or t;end else e=(e*0x65)%0xa480 n=n+1 local e=48787 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 s=tonumber;end end end end end e=(e*639)%37173 end d(r);local e={};for n=0x0,0xff do local l=f.mmxRKbQs(n);e[n]=l;e[l]=n;end local function c(n)return e[n];end local a=(function(r,d)local a,l=0x01,0x10 local n={{},{},{}}local t=-0x01 local e=0x01 local o=r while true do n[0x03][f.EiQlvyZY(d,e,(function()e=a+e return e-0x01 end)())]=(function()t=t+0x01 return t end)()if t==(0x0f)then t=""l=0x000 break end end local t=#d while e271 then return n end d=d+1 l=(l*695)%30875 if(l%544)>272 then return t else return n(n(e,t,n),n(n,e,n and e),t(e,e,e)and e(e,t,t))end return e(n(e,t,e),t(n and n,t,n),e(n,e,n)and e(t,t,n and t))end,function(e,t,n)if d>270 then return n end d=d+1 l=(l*342)%15106 if(l%208)<104 then l=(l+125)%10090 return n else return t(n(e,n,t and e),t(e,t,n and e),e(t,e and t,n))end return n(t(e,e,e)and e(n,e,e and n),n(t,e,e),e(n,t,t))end,function(t,n,e)if d>372 then return e end d=d+1 l=(l+606)%43450 if(l%462)<231 then return t(n(e,t,n and n),e(n,t and n,e),n(t,e,e)and n(e,t and e,t))else return e end return t end)return l;end)())local te=(getfenv)or(function()return _ENV end);local u=f.SulnRhYo or f.b_nTxswH;local _=1;local r=4;local d=3;local t=2;local function ee(g,...)local h=a(e,"mgP3+ w:C7ayTVnsP+3ng+zAs+nCnPVcT yCyCai7CaC:T:Xw+ n+T+g3+PT3Tgh.+sCs3ncV TCyTTaa+7CCTCg:+wC TwP+n3CPTPbgne then a=o(6,91,1,33,j);k=o(6,68,2,4,j);else if e>-2 then for n=42,66 do if e~=1 then l=-41;s=-1;break;end;m=o(6,12,3,18,j);b=de ne=0;break;end;else l=-41;s=-1;end end else if e<=4 then if 2e then ee={};z={...};break;end;p=f.hclJLnUs('#',...)-1;h={};break;end;else p=f.hclJLnUs('#',...)-1;h={};end else if e~=1 then repeat if 5~=e then e=-2;break;end;n=o(7);until true;else n=o(7);end end end e=e+1;end;for e=0,p do if(e>=m)then ee[e-m]=z[e+1];else n[e]=z[e+1];end;end;local e=p-m+1 local e;local o;local function m(...)while true do end end while true do if l<-40 then l=l+42 end e=a[l];o=e[_];if o<=21 then if o<=10 then if o<5 then if 2>o then if o~=-2 then for l=28,57 do if 1>o then n[e[t]]=c[e[d]];break;end;c[e[d]]=n[e[t]];break;end;else n[e[t]]=c[e[d]];end else if 3>o then n[e[t]]=n[e[d]];else if 4>o then do return end;else local o,r,c,f,a;local l=0;while l>-1 do if l<=2 then if l<=0 then o=e;else if l>1 then c=d;else r=t;end end else if 5<=l then if 4~=l then repeat if l>5 then l=-2;break;end;n(a,f);until true;else n(a,f);end else if l>-1 then repeat if l~=3 then a=o[r];break;end;f=o[c];until true;else a=o[r];end end end l=l+1 end end end end else if o>=8 then if 8>=o then if(n[e[t]]==e[r])then l=l+1;else l=e[d];end;else if o~=8 then repeat if 9~=o then n[e[t]]=c[e[d]];break;end;if n[e[t]]then l=l+1;else l=e[d];end;until true;else if n[e[t]]then l=l+1;else l=e[d];end;end end else if o<=5 then if not n[e[t]]then l=l+1;else l=e[d];end;else if 5<=o then for f=11,69 do if o~=6 then local o,k,y,g,f;for h=0,5 do if 2>=h then if 02 then for d=35,61 do if 5>h then o=e[t]y,g=b(n[o](n[o+1]))s=g+o-1 f=0;for e=o,s do f=f+1;n[e]=y[f];end;l=l+1;e=a[l];break;end;o=e[t]n[o](u(n,o+1,s))break;end;else o=e[t]y,g=b(n[o](n[o+1]))s=g+o-1 f=0;for e=o,s do f=f+1;n[e]=y[f];end;l=l+1;e=a[l];end end end end break;end;local e=e[t]local t,l=b(n[e](n[e+1]))s=l+e-1 local l=0;for e=e,s do l=l+1;n[e]=t[l];end;break;end;else local e=e[t]local t,l=b(n[e](n[e+1]))s=l+e-1 local l=0;for e=e,s do l=l+1;n[e]=t[l];end;end end end end else if o>15 then if o<=18 then if 16>=o then local e=e[t]local t,l=b(n[e](n[e+1]))s=l+e-1 local l=0;for e=e,s do l=l+1;n[e]=t[l];end;else if o>=15 then repeat if 18~=o then local l=e[t]n[l]=n[l](u(n,l+1,e[d]))break;end;local u=k[e[d]];local s;local o={};s=f.LmkzcnUI({},{__index=function(n,e)local e=o[e];return e[1][e[2]];end,__newindex=function(l,e,n)local e=o[e]e[1][e[2]]=n;end;});for t=1,e[r]do l=l+1;local e=a[l];if e[_]==2 then o[t-1]={n,e[d]};else o[t-1]={g,e[d]};end;h[#h+1]=o;end;n[e[t]]=y(u,s,c);until true;else local u=k[e[d]];local s;local o={};s=f.LmkzcnUI({},{__index=function(n,e)local e=o[e];return e[1][e[2]];end,__newindex=function(l,e,n)local e=o[e]e[1][e[2]]=n;end;});for t=1,e[r]do l=l+1;local e=a[l];if e[_]==2 then o[t-1]={n,e[d]};else o[t-1]={g,e[d]};end;h[#h+1]=o;end;n[e[t]]=y(u,s,c);end end else if o<=19 then local e=e[t]n[e](u(n,e+1,s))else if o~=19 then repeat if 20~=o then local e=e[t]n[e](u(n,e+1,s))break;end;c[e[d]]=n[e[t]];until true;else c[e[d]]=n[e[t]];end end end else if 12-1 do if 3>=l then if 2>l then if 0=l then if l>=3 then for e=42,81 do if l>4 then s=a[c];break;end;r=o[a[f]];break;end;else r=o[a[f]];end else if l~=7 then n[s]=r;else l=-2;end end end l=l+1 end end else if o>=9 then for a=27,97 do if o>11 then if n[e[t]]then l=l+1;else l=e[d];end;break;end;local t=e[t];local l=n[e[d]];n[t+1]=l;n[t]=l[e[r]];break;end;else local l=e[t];local t=n[e[d]];n[l+1]=t;n[l]=t[e[r]];end end end end else if o<=32 then if o<=26 then if 24>o then if 22~=o then local d;d=e[t]n[d](n[d+1])l=l+1;e=a[l];do return end;else for o=0,3 do if 2>o then if-1=o then if o<=27 then l=e[d];else if o~=26 then repeat if 29~=o then for o=0,3 do if 2>o then if o~=-2 then repeat if 0~=o then c[e[d]]=n[e[t]];l=l+1;e=a[l];break;end;n[e[t]]=(e[d]~=0);l=l+1;e=a[l];until true;else n[e[t]]=(e[d]~=0);l=l+1;e=a[l];end else if 1o then if o~=-2 then repeat if 0~=o then c[e[d]]=n[e[t]];l=l+1;e=a[l];break;end;n[e[t]]=(e[d]~=0);l=l+1;e=a[l];until true;else n[e[t]]=(e[d]~=0);l=l+1;e=a[l];end else if 1o then n[e[t]]=n[e[d]][e[r]];else if o>=30 then repeat if 32~=o then local o,f;for c=0,1 do if 1==c then o=e[t]n[o]=n[o](n[o+1])else o=e[t];f=n[e[d]];n[o+1]=f;n[o]=f[e[r]];l=l+1;e=a[l];end end break;end;l=e[d];until true;else local o,f;for c=0,1 do if 1==c then o=e[t]n[o]=n[o](n[o+1])else o=e[t];f=n[e[d]];n[o+1]=f;n[o]=f[e[r]];l=l+1;e=a[l];end end end end end end else if 38>o then if o<=34 then if 32~=o then for a=23,61 do if o>33 then if not n[e[t]]then l=l+1;else l=e[d];end;break;end;local e=e[t]n[e](n[e+1])break;end;else local e=e[t]n[e](n[e+1])end else if o>=36 then if o~=36 then local e=e[t]n[e](n[e+1])else if(n[e[t]]==e[r])then l=l+1;else l=e[d];end;end else local f;for o=0,6 do if 3<=o then if o<=4 then if-1=o then n[e[t]]=c[e[d]];l=l+1;e=a[l];else if-3~=o then for f=43,97 do if o>1 then n(e[t],e[d]);l=l+1;e=a[l];break;end;n[e[t]]=n[e[d]][e[r]];l=l+1;e=a[l];break;end;else n[e[t]]=n[e[d]][e[r]];l=l+1;e=a[l];end end end end end end else if o>=41 then if o<42 then n(e[t],e[d]);else if 38o then local e=e[t]n[e]=n[e](n[e+1])break;end;n[e[t]]=(e[d]~=0);until true;else n[e[t]]=(e[d]~=0);end end else if 39>o then local t=e[t];local l=n[e[d]];n[t+1]=l;n[t]=l[e[r]];else if o>=36 then repeat if o<40 then local u=k[e[d]];local s;local o={};s=f.LmkzcnUI({},{__index=function(n,e)local e=o[e];return e[1][e[2]];end,__newindex=function(l,e,n)local e=o[e]e[1][e[2]]=n;end;});for t=1,e[r]do l=l+1;local e=a[l];if e[_]==2 then o[t-1]={n,e[d]};else o[t-1]={g,e[d]};end;h[#h+1]=o;end;n[e[t]]=y(u,s,c);break;end;n[e[t]]=g[e[d]];until true;else local u=k[e[d]];local s;local o={};s=f.LmkzcnUI({},{__index=function(n,e)local e=o[e];return e[1][e[2]];end,__newindex=function(l,e,n)local e=o[e]e[1][e[2]]=n;end;});for t=1,e[r]do l=l+1;local e=a[l];if e[_]==2 then o[t-1]={n,e[d]};else o[t-1]={g,e[d]};end;h[#h+1]=o;end;n[e[t]]=y(u,s,c);end end end end end end l=1+l;end;end;return ne end;local d=0xff;local r={};local o=(1);local t='';(function(n)local l=n local a=0x00 local e=0x00 l={(function(t)if a>0x29 then return t end a=a+1 e=(e+0xf56-t)%0x2b return(e%0x03==0x0 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0xdc);end return true end)'KOgzS'and l[0x3](0x277+t))or(e%0x03==0x1 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0xb0);end return true end)'pRzoh'and l[0x1](t+0x3ae))or(e%0x03==0x2 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0x62);end return true end)'zinIg'and l[0x2](t+0x91))or t end),(function(f)if a>0x23 then return f end a=a+1 e=(e+0xca8-f)%0x27 return(e%0x03==0x1 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0x75);end return true end)'jEOFo'and l[0x2](0x80+f))or(e%0x03==0x0 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0x5e);d[2]=(d[2]*(le(function()r()end,u(t))-le(d[1],u(t))))+1;r[o]={};d=d[2];o=o+d;end return true end)'HYTlB'and l[0x3](f+0x15a))or(e%0x03==0x2 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0xe0);end return true end)'gvjwV'and l[0x1](f+0x33b))or f end),(function(f)if a>0x2e then return f end a=a+1 e=(e+0x1052-f)%0x25 return(e%0x03==0x2 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0x98);r[o]=te();o=o+d;end return true end)'hseFq'and l[0x1](0x9d+f))or(e%0x03==0x1 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0x89);t={t..'\58 a',t};r[o]=ne();o=o+(1);t[1]='\58'..t[1];d[2]=0xff;end return true end)'wuaCo'and l[0x2](f+0xe2))or(e%0x03==0x0 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0x6b);t='\37';d={function()d()end};t=t..'\100\43';end return true end)'Tljg_'and l[0x3](f+0x266))or f end)}l[0x3](0x815)end){};local e=y(u(r));return e(...);end return ee((function()local n={}local e=0x01;local l;if f.sKsQGdAT then l=f.sKsQGdAT(ee)else l=''end if f.ocAOLdPB(l,f.cIqubOPb)then e=e+0;else e=e+1;end n[e]=0x02;n[n[e]+0x01]=0x03;return n;end)(),...)end)((function(n,e,l,t,d,o)local o;if 4>n then if 2>n then if n>=-4 then repeat if n>0 then do return function(l,e,n)if n then local e=(l/2^(e-1))%2^((n-1)-(e-1)+1);return e-e%1;else local e=2^(e-1);return(l%(e+e)>=e)and 1 or 0;end;end;end;break;end;do return e(1),e(4,d,t,l,e),e(5,d,t,l)end;until true;else do return function(l,e,n)if n then local e=(l/2^(e-1))%2^((n-1)-(e-1)+1);return e-e%1;else local e=2^(e-1);return(l%(e+e)>=e)and 1 or 0;end;end;end;end else if n>-2 then repeat if n<3 then do return 16777216,65536,256 end;break;end;do return e(1),e(4,d,t,l,e),e(5,d,t,l)end;until true;else do return e(1),e(4,d,t,l,e),e(5,d,t,l)end;end end else if 6<=n then if n>6 then if n<8 then do return setmetatable({},{['__\99\97\108\108']=function(e,d,l,t,n)if n then return e[n]elseif t then return e else e[d]=l end end})end else do return l(n,nil,l);end end else do return d[l]end;end else if n~=2 then for o=45,56 do if 5~=n then local n=t;local d,f,o=d(2);do return function()local a,t,e,l=e(l,n(n,n),n(n,n)+3);n(4);return(l*d)+(e*f)+(t*o)+a;end;end;break;end;local n=t;do return function()local e=e(l,n(n,n),n(n,n));n(1);return e;end;end;break;end;else local n=t;do return function()local e=e(l,n(n,n),n(n,n));n(1);return e;end;end;end end end end),...) 

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